How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Improve Your Smile?

woman receiving cosmetic dentistry

How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Improve Your Smile?

Aesthetic imperfections such as stained teeth, uneven alignment, chipped teeth, and white spots can leave you wanting to hide your smile. Cosmetic dentistry offers a range of transformative procedures designed to enhance the aesthetics of your smile and boost your confidence. In this blog, we are going to review some popular procedures that are sure to leave you with a vastly improved smile. With advancements in dental technology and the help of our dental experts at Brookside Dental Arts, achieving that radiant perfect smile is more attainable than ever! Here are a couple of procedures that our cosmetic dentistry in Pennington, NJ can help you with.

Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure, being quite easy and more effective than any over-the-counter products. Stubborn stains caused by coffee, tea, or tobacco use can be eliminated by this procedure, giving you the pearly white smile you want. The process begins with a thorough examination to ensure your oral health is optimal for whitening. During your customized treatment, a strong bleaching agent is applied to lift stains and discoloration. After receiving the treatment, you can expect to leave with a dazzling smile that leaves a lasting impression.


Veneers are a game changer when it comes to perfectly curating the smile of your dreams. Veneers offer a simple yet effective solution to enhance the appearance of your smile. Porcelain veneers, offered at Brookside Dental Arts, are placed over the front surface of your teeth, instantly concealing imperfections. They can fix cosmetic issues like uneven, crooked teeth, misshapen teeth, chipped teeth, and gaps between teeth. The process can be quick and painless, and leave you with a lasting solution that can last for up to 15 years. Overall, veneers are quite durable, but you will want to be mindful when eating very hard foods or chewing on tough non-food items. Porcelain veneers are also desirable due to the fact they look and feel just like your natural teeth. Say hello to a confidence boosting, picture perfect smile with veneers!

White Spot Treatment / Icon®

Icon® is a treatment offered at Brookside Dental Arts that is perfect for treating those stubborn little white stains often found on teeth. White spots on teeth are often confusing, and can leave you wondering where they came from. They can arise from anything like tooth trauma, poor oral hygiene, or orthodontic treatments. Having a splotchy appearance on your teeth can be disheartening, and Icon® is a quick and minimally invasive solution. The process involves no needles, and basically just carves the white spot out of your tooth, and then refills it with a better toned enamel. This can be a simpler alternative to getting complete veneers, and still provide you with a radiant, even toned smile. 

Cosmetic Dentistry in Pennington, NJ

Cosmetic dentistry offers a wide range of benefits for both you and your smile, empowering you to feel confident and show off your teeth. A beautiful smile is not just about aesthetics, it can also leave a lasting impression on others, both personally and professionally. If you want to fix any of your dental imperfections, cosmetic dentistry is the answer for you! 

Visit our website to learn about our team of accomplished professionals. Contact us today at 609-7377-662 to schedule a consultation.

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Brookside Dental Arts | Dr. Angra