How to Improve and Maintain Gum Health

how to improve your gum health - gum disease treatment mercer county nj

How to Improve and Maintain Gum Health

Plaque, which is made up of bacteria, can lead to gum disease if it is allowed to build up on your teeth. These are the same bacteria that generate acids that are harmful to tooth enamel and cause its breakdown. If you want to learn how to improve your gum health and prevent gum disease keep reading.

How to improve your gum health

Imagine the damage that could be done to your gums, which are more delicate and sensitive than your teeth if they are powerful enough to make holes in your teeth.

Plaque caused by bacteria can be removed from your teeth by brushing but new plaque can begin to build up within a few hours. When this deposit is allowed to remain on the teeth even for just a day, it will eventually harden into tartar. Tartar provides the bacteria with additional nutrients, which speeds up the progression of gum disease. Gingivitis, often known as the preliminary phase of gum disease, is characterized by symptoms such as bleeding, inflamed, or painful gums. Other symptoms include foul breath, discomfort in the teeth, and even pus in the affected area.

Gingivitis, if left untreated, can progress into periodontitis, and it can cause significant damage to the jawbone. It is also possible for the gums to peel away from teeth, and result in loose teeth. Because of this, one can end up losing their permanent teeth in the long run.

Tips to Ensure Gum Health

If you want to keep all of your teeth, it is important to maintain gum health and follow the advice of experts on periodontal cleaning Pennington NJ:

1-Eat Foods That Promote Gum Health

There is evidence that all varieties of onions, including white, green, and red, have the ability to help fight against plaque buildup. 

Because of the protective effects that they can have on your gums, you should think about increasing the frequency with which they appear in your diet. 

Spinach, kale, and other veggies should also be included in your meals. These are loaded with vitamin C, which is known to help reduce inflammation in the body. Because of the anti-inflammatory properties of veggies, your gums may be less prone to swelling or infection.

Dairy products e.g. yogurt and milk ought to be included on your shopping list, too. They have a protein called casein in them, which has been shown to drastically cut down tissue loss. It’s also capable of preventing the erosion of tooth enamel, which helps to keep teeth from becoming more fragile.

2-Use an Electric Toothbrush

Manual toothbrushes are not as effective as electric ones in removing plaque. Electronic toothbrushes are more expensive in comparison to manual toothbrushes, but the additional cost is justified if it helps to maintain gum health.

3-Gently Scrub the Tongue

Bad bacteria, particularly those that contribute to bad breath, can colonize the entire mouth. This includes the tongue. You can certainly use the soft bristles on a toothbrush to lightly scrub the tongue, but a tongue scraper might be a better option. Be sure to ask your dentist about the best types of tongue scrapers to use.

4-Toss Out Your Toothbrush Every 3-4 Months

If the bristles have already begun to fray, you should also scrap the toothbrush. Also, check the instructions that came with your electric toothbrush for any advice the manufacturer may have. When you replace it, make sure you do it with a brush head that is compatible with the device, and if possible, use the same brand.

5-Floss! Floss! Floss!

Flossing is more effective in removing plaque and particles of food than brushing alone. It gets in between all the groves of your teeth, and will reduce plaque buildup.

Maintain Gum Health with Our Gum Disease Treatment in Mercer County, NJ | Brookside Dental Arts

There are a lot of different methods for preventing gum disease. However, you should still see your dentist on a consistent basis because gum disease can develop without obvious symptoms. Even if you practice perfect dental hygiene, there is still a possibility that you develop gum disease. Following the advice in this article and visiting your dentist twice per year is the most effective approach to ward off gum disease and maintain gum health. Want to learn more about how to improve your gum health? At Brookside Dental Arts, our dental professionals will conduct thorough examinations during your visit, that surely include checking gum health. Contact us today to book your next appointment. 

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