Am I A Good Candidate For Veneers?

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Am I A Good Candidate For Veneers?

Many patients who are seeking a whiter, brighter smile might consider porcelain veneers as an option. In order to meet the requirements for this cosmetic procedure, there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind. When researching veneers near me, as a provider of veneer treatment in Pennington NJ, Brookside Dental Arts has the knowledge, professionalism, and compassionate level of care needed to rejuvenate your smile. Let’s address a frequently asked question that many family dentists get–Am I a good candidate for veneers?

What To Know About Dental Veneers:

We have continually discussed the importance of routine dental care throughout the course of this blog series. If you’re meeting all the requirements to maintain your healthy smile (at home and with our practice), then bravo! On the other hand, if you are looking to further enhance the appeal of your smile, cosmetic dental treatments like veneers will definitely suffice. There’s only so much you can do to naturally accentuate your teeth, and a big reason that people covet these procedures is because they are unhappy with the framework of their natural smile.

Modern dental veneers are made of porcelain and are customized to match your teeth. When seeking veneer treatment in Pennington NJ, your family dentist will apply them to the surface of your teeth and when in place, they will mask any stains, chips, or cracks. Veneers can also change the shape and appearance of crooked teeth, close gaps, and elongate teeth that are worn down. In order to put the veneers in place, the dentist will remove a layer of enamel from the front of the teeth (unless you opt for no-prep veneers), then enamel may not need to be removed.

What Determines Candidacy for Veneers?

Because veneers require preparation of the teeth and last for years, the decision to get them should not be taken lightly. Unlike alternative cosmetic treatments like bonding, porcelain veneers are irreversible. Should you have any additional questions or concerns on how to proceed, our team is more than happy to assist.

Healthy Gums And Teeth

One of the most important factors that qualify you for veneer treatment in Pennington NJ are healthy gums and teeth. The dentist will remove a small portion from the front of your teeth to best accommodate the bonding agent and the thin veneers. With things like surface preparation, both will sit at the same level of the surrounding teeth. If all looks okay, the teeth should be able to hold the veneers with no issue, making things easier in the next step, which is preparation.

You’re Willing To Stick With Veneers For The Rest Of Your Life

Because so much goes into creating and applying veneers, it’s something that patients need to be comfortable in sticking with for the rest of their lives. There’s no going back once you have made this decision. When it comes to maintenance, veneers can be replaced every 10 years or so, if they wear out. 

Patients Who Want A Long-Lasting Solution

If you want a lifetime solution that may only require updates every decade or so, porcelain veneers will last much longer than dental bonding. Patients that are committed to this as a long term investment can definitely benefit from the procedure.

You Only Require Minor Corrections For The Front Of Your Teeth

Another important element for candidacy is if there is only minor cosmetic damage to the front of the teeth. Stains and chips are simple to correct with veneer treatment in Pennington NJ, so long as your gums and teeth roots are healthy. For people that have issues with their teeth or gums, additional treatment like scaling, treating gum disease, or fixing dental decay may need to be addressed before any veneer work is implemented. 

Your Teeth Have Many Stains

Despite the fact that a considerable amount of patients will try their luck at both DIY and professional teeth whitening treatments, darker stains do not respond well to these products and methods. With state-of-the-art veneers, it’s possible to cover the stains, including internal discoloration that is onset by decay or old fillings. 

Provider Of Veneers Near Me In Pennington NJ

Brookside Dental Arts is dedicated to making you feel better about your smile. We are proud to serve all kinds of patients in the Pennington, NJ area. If you are looking for veneers near you, contact us today! 

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